As the Comment Box user-base grows, we are constantly amazed by the creative and unique ways people are using it as a tool to collect customer feedback. While Comment Box is a simple tool for restaurants to get direct, private…
As the Comment Box user-base grows, we are constantly amazed by the creative and unique ways people are using it as a tool to collect customer feedback. While Comment Box is a simple tool for restaurants to get direct, private…
Edward Zimmerman at FoodService.com has written a great post titled: Clean Restaurants Build Customers’ Confidence. It is worth the 1-2 minutes to read. He makes the point that the cleanliness of your restaurant dining area (and washrooms) are a reflection…
In a few short weeks, it is the start of a brand new year. Why not do something new that will directly help you improve your business? The idea of collecting customer feedback is nothing new. It is a proven…
If you want real, honest feedback from customers, make their life easy: ask one or two questions. Let’s face it: people are busy these days. More importantly, people are distracted these days. If you want feedback, you need to keep…
Things just got a whole lot easier on Comment Box. We have completely upgraded the way that you manage your customer feedback account. It is now easier to set up and allows for many more customizations. If you do not…
Comment Box is a great application to help your business collect more customer comments. Read more about how it works on our customer comments discussion page.
A regional grocery store chain in Canada is currently running a campaign to solicit customer feedback from its shoppers. Their use of Point-of-Sale advertising is great – they appeal to the shopper who is checking out and there is a…
Online survey company cvent has a blog post about how restaurants can get a lot if they Bring Back The Comment Cards. They talk about printable comment cards for getting more customer feedback at your restaurant. We here at Comment…
Honest customer comments can really help make the difference for a restaurant. But feedback from customers is sometimes hard to get. Customers seldom fill in printed comment cards. So, how do restaurants get comment cards filled in? Go digital! Comment…
Get More Customer Comments
We have written before about getting more customer comments, but forgive us — it bears repeating. If you want to collect comments from customers, Comment Box is perfectly suited for this task. There, we said it (again). It’s the most…